Teacher Turned Real Estate Investor Via House Hacking (Sneaky Duplex Reveal)!
House hacking is supplementing your mortgage, taxes & insurance (henceforth referred to simply as “mortgage”) with monthly income. While I was paying only half of my mortgage, my house was appreciating in value because I bought in a rapidly appreciating area. Learn how I did it!
A Year Airbnb-ing My Room in Austin TX
Since moving to Austin after college in 2012, I always saw the benefit of buying a house and having roommates help pay my mortgage payment. I finally had the opportunity to do so in 2017. I renovated the home, and now make an income through Air bnb.
How I Renovated My East Austin Home In 20 Days
These steps are a good starting place to get your wheels turning. You can research real estate investing for years and not learn as much as you will by actually pulling the trigger and getting into your first project. I wish you all the best!
The Life of an Austin Tiny Home Dweller
Amanda had built her entire home from scratch, we were amazed and had many questions. She shared her story with us and spent almost two hours answering our questions. She’s allowed me to share her story and the answers to our questions with you all as well.
House Hacking: 3 Strategies Every Homebuyer Should Consider
House hacking is a term coined by Brandon Turner of Bigger Pockets, my favorite Real Estate investing website. Simply put, house hacking is getting other people to pay the mortgage payments of a house you occupy. This is done by renting out the other units or rooms.