Our 2022 First-Time Home Buyer Stats (Want to Buy a House in 2023? Read This!)
We help people buy houses every day. As a first-time buyer, navigating the home-buying process can be pretty intimidating - sometimes, it feels downright impossible! But through these facts, we’ll shed light on who bought a house in 2022. It’s our hope that you’ll see yourself represented in these stats and confidently push forward with your home-buying journey!
7 Steps For a Legal Airbnb Property in Austin, TX!
Hi, it’s Kristina! Co-Founder of OHA. Many of us are aware of the crackdown of illegal Airbnb activity in Austin. But, you can still have a lucrative and, most importantly, legal Airbnb in the city. Here’s an account of legalizing an Airbnb and the steps you can take!
How to Find Quality Roommates or Tenants & Remotely Manage Your Property
Kristina, here! At OHA, we’re big believers in “house hacking.” Simply put, house hacking is getting other people to pay the mortgage payments on a house you own. This is done by renting out the other units or rooms. Here are the best ways to find roommates or tenants for your home…
Should I Buy a House Now or Wait?
Rent is something you consider on a monthly basis. But have you ever done the math and realized how much you’ve actually spent on rent? Here we break down 11 years of rent spent by one person in Austin, and what would have happened if she bought a home instead.
Transforming A Home into a $40k Yearly Airbnb Money Maker
How did one of our founders, Steph Douglass, turn an ugly house into one of the hottest Airbnb’s in Austin’s east side that now earns her over $40k a year? Read to see her entire process, from start to finish.