Posts tagged first time buyer
5 Austin Home Buying Resources You Need to Check Out Now

Utilize these 5 resources to better prepare yourself for the home buying process.

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Six Things I Learned in the First Six Months of Homeownership
How Much Money Do You Need to Buy a House?

Many people think there are lots of hidden fees when buying a house and it’s often what holds them back from making any moves. In some ways this is correct, but in reality it’s because there’s a lack of education around home buying. Read to learn exactly how much it costs to buy a house!

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First-Time Home Buyer Checklist

Buying a home is a huge milestone in your life,and likely one of the biggest purchases you’ll ever make. It’s kind of crazy to us that there’s not super transparent and clear action steps on how to navigate this process. That’s why we created this handy checklist that will help you step by step to navigate buying your first property.

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5 Best Real Estate Podcast Episodes For First Time Buyers

Although we have countless episodes we’d recommend for people interested in real estate, we do have 5 episodes we think are critical if you’re preparing for your first purchase. These episodes will take you from “I know nothing” to “pshhh I got this!”

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How To Navigate a Hot Housing Market

It’s hard to know how to progress during this chaos, and it is definitely an overwhelming time in Real Estate for buyers, sellers, and agents alike. But y’all, we’ve been at this for a minute now - so we’ve got you!

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7 Tips for Buying a Home with Multiple Offers in a Hot Market

Bidding on a multiple offer home in a hot market can be super discouraging - especially when it happens over and over again. So we’ve compiled a list of 7 tips that will help you beat the competition!

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Should You House Hack a Condo or House?

When it comes to house hacking - is there a type of home that is best? By comparing a similar size/price house and condo, we can see if there really is a better choice, and which one is right for you!

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How To Buy a House In Your Early 20’s And Make Money In Austin, TX.

If you are currently living with at least one other person (unless you and that person are trying to start a may not be a good time) you should look into buying a house and making it an asset through house-hacking.

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Why You Should Avoid Zillow at All Costs

Zillow, and similar websites likes Trulia and are not what they seem. They may look like accurate and fun sites to peruse and look at cute homes, but they’ll actually do more harm than good! And we can tell you exactly why…

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House Hacking: 3 Strategies Every Homebuyer Should Consider

House hacking is a term coined by Brandon Turner of Bigger Pockets, my favorite Real Estate investing website. Simply put, house hacking is getting other people to pay the mortgage payments of a house you occupy. This is done by renting out the other units or rooms.

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Dealing With Low Appraisals When Buying a House

A home appraisal determines the value of the building. So what do you do when the home is appraised for a low amount? Find out here!

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Your Home Offer Has Been Accepted! Now What? Closing Period Explained…

Congrats! You just put an offer down on a home and it was accepted! This is HUGE and cause to celebrate. But hold on one second.. this isn’t over yet! There are a couple steps left before the keys are placed in your hand.

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